Davyn Calfchild’s Dodgy Police Violence Claim… (feat. Zach Ruiter & Darryl Richardson)

Davyn got belligerent with the police...

Davyn admitted he got belligerent with the police…

For the first time in memory, Davyn Calfchild (a.k.a. Davin Ouimet) missed his Occupy Toronto Livestream show last week. It’s unknown if he’s finally given up, or is simply taking a break- the Livestreamers have been a lot more cautious with their words lately, perhaps they’re getting tired of having their misdeeds exposed. But, never worry, plenty of entertainment is still to be had.

Calfchild was stopped by the police yesterday after they alleged he ran a red light on his e-bike. When they asked him to stop and give his identification Davyn responded with his trademark comment “who are you!”. Davyn has stated in the past that he believes his indigenous status means that he’s immune from talking to the police. It didn’t work out very well for him this time…

The police grabbed Davyn, pushed him to the ground and handcuffed him. The arrest caused some minor scratches and a couple of bruises. It’s unfortunate he got hurt, but the results were nothing like real cases of brutality. There were no witnesses other than Davyn and the police- so we are left to take his word for what happened. But, he himself admits that he didn’t listen or respond to the police officer’s orders.

In a video made by cop-baiter Zach Ruiter and Media Co-Op cop-hater Darryl Richardson Davyn explains his perception of how the police came after him because he was at a protest at the Toronto Police Service’s 14 Division last month. He tells us how the police threatened the life of his family and told him he shouldn’t protest at their police station in the future. It all seems quite far fetched- this wouldn’t be the first time Davyn has made overreaching claims about police violence.

Davyn has a long history of being belligerent towards the police. He’s been caught on video – multiple times – yelling racist insults and abuse. The last time Your Humble Narrator saw Davyn he threatened violence- he’s not a peaceful man, and he has a serious anger towards the police. The credibility of Davyn’s claims should be taken with caution.

The real question here is: why are Zach Ruiter and Darryl Richardson working with a known racist and rape apologist- aren’t they supposed to be against that? Or, perhaps they have no problem with that now?

Here’s a video of Davyn’s claims, and some of his ‘greatest hits’ from the past…

Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/08/29/davyn-calfchilds-dodgy-police-violence-claim-feat-zach-ruiter-darryl-richardson/