Torontoist Features Anti-Black Racist In “Faces of Black Lives Mattter” Pictorial (Feat. Davin Ouimet)

Davin hates blacks, Jews, Italians, Chinese, and whatever else you got...

Davin hates blacks, Jews, Italians, Chinese, and whatever else you got…

Springtime is coming to Toronto which means, of course, that silly protest season is here and the usual suspects have tried to setup a makeshift camp in front of police headquarters on College St. The players are the same as Occupy, Idle No More, and most of the other big protests we’ve seen in Toronto since the violence of the 2010 G20. I’ll get into the details in more depth in my upcoming series #BlackLivesMatters unmasked.

But, for now, some evidence of how dismal the Toronto media’s reporting is on our city’s cadre of professional protesters, and evidence of their absolute hypocrisy. The Torontoist’s photo essay Faces of Black Lives Matters is a brilliant example of both. Regular readers of this website will likely pee themselves laughing learning that one of the featured faces was no less than Davin Ouimet- long time professional protester, and one of the most racist people in the city’s protest circuit.

Davin is one of the most racist people I’ve met in the activist community- curiously (considering the protest), he has a serious hate-on for black people. Last year he was caught marching with a Confederate flag. When he attended the Sammy Yatim protest he was filmed being racist to a black cop, complaining how he was “oppressing” the crowd saying “you probably did that to your own people back in Africa” (the cop wasn’t from Africa).

Besides his hatred for black people, Ouimet has also been filmed hating on Mexicans, Jews, Italians, whites and Chinese. Davin is a real charmer, if one ever needed more evidence of this it came in 2013 when he decided it was a good idea to interrupt Toronto’s Remembrance Day event. His actions were so distasteful that a fellow indigenous protester stood-up and called him out on his bad behaviour.

I’ll leave you for today with a couple of videos of Davin’s anti-black racism and the day he marched with a Confederate flag. Stay-tuned for an in depth report on the Astroturf that is Black Lives Matter, the ex-convict and the pipeline saboteur who helped with the first day’s protest, and some uber-creepy connections between criminally minded activists and the Toronto Police Services Board.

For now, enjoy the Davin Ouimet racist video film festival!

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