Yesterday the Canadian Press published a story based on a Transport Canada intelligence report outlining the risk of extremists might inflitrate pipeline protests and use them as a cover to engage in violence. The report, of course, is way off mark- most of the pipeline protests I’ve been to and reported on were already led …
Tag: Anarchists
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Aug 07
[Updated] Canadian Social Justice Warriors Promote Sex Tourism Guru (Feat. Roosh Valizadeh)
Update: Despite the slacktivist’s efforts Roosh Valizadeh has arrived in Canada without any problems at the border. After a quick scan of his work, I get the feeling that Roosh Valizadeh is a bit of a douchebag. Roosh is a pickup artist guru with a twist- he not only promises to teach lonely men how to …
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May 05
May Day Violence In Vancouver! (Feat. Dan Wallace, Shirley Samples, Green Party, NDP)
Vancouver’s May Day celebrations have had a history of violence over recent years. Things started to heat up in 2013 when Vancouver Police allowed a group of masked thugs to march through downtown with flaming torches and swarming the entrance to the PIDGIN restaurant- a couple of days later anarchists burned down and East Vancouver …
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Mar 21
“Terrorist”, “Riot Inciter” & Circle Of Jerks Blame Police Brutality On Capitalism (Feat. Davin Charney)
One of the first things I learned when I moved to Budapest was to beware of the police. The dreaded Rendőrség were as equally well known for their low IQ’s as they were for their unpredictability and occasional violence. The Communist government liked them this way; dumb enough to be controllable, yet scary enough to …
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Feb 21
NOW Magazine Publishes Dangerous Propaganda Against The RCMP (Feat. Sakura Saunders)
Earlier this week Greenpeace released a document they acquired from the RCMP. The paper warns that certain elements of the environmental movement pose a “realistic criminal threat to Canada’s petroleum industry, its workers and assets, and to first responders”. As expected, the news has caused quite a stir in the environmentalist world- with many supporters using …
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