Tag: Downtown Eastside

Who Was Really Behind Vancouver Cop Watch’s Lies on CKNW yesterday?

I’ve been told that Jenn Allan is a good hearted person. She’s a Christian, a former sex worker, someone who provides free food to current sex workers. An angel some would say. So, considering this, I was willing to give her the benefit of doubt. That was, until she went on CKNW yesterday, lying to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/06/19/who-was-really-behind-vancouver-cop-watchs-lies-on-cknw-yesterday/

Vancouver Cop Watch Hoodwinks The Public On CKNW!

I heard that Vancouver Cop Watch (VCW) would be on CKNW when they tweeted it out a couple of days ago. So, I emailed CKNW’s Susanne Hill and made sure she was up-to-date on the stories I wrote about VCW. I’d figured she had- as, the word on the street I’d caused quite a stir, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/06/18/vancouver-cop-watch-hoodwinks-the-public-on-cknw/

Media Watch: Openfile.ca Pimping It Out To Cover For VANDU & Vancouver Coastal Health!

There are two ways I know when a story has been successful. First, I am blessed with 1000’s of hits from you, my dear readers. The second way is when I see someone publishing an article to counter my writing- this happened recently when ScoutMagazine.ca ran a story that included criticism about when I wrote …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/06/13/media-watch-openfile-ca-pimping-it-out-to-cover-for-vandu-vancouver-coastal-health/

VANDU & Cop Watch: Vancouver Coastal Health’s Tax Dollars At Work!

Last week I wrote about how Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) provided $250,437 to the Vancouver Area Network Of Drug Users (VANDU), and how they are working to expand their coverage to reach Abbotsford (and funding from Fraser Health). I also discussed how this same group pays addicts to join activist movements and block traffic. Nothing …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/06/11/vandu-vancouver-copwatch-vancouver-coastal-healths-tax-dollars-at-work/

Open Letter To Irwin Oostinde About Homophobia, Charitable Status & Mental Health Stigmatization!

I got some rather unsavoury hate-mail from Irwin Oostinde’s W2 Media Centre today- and I think it says a lot about his organization. Yes, it did address some of the questions I asked in my article about W2. That said, it raised a whole lot more of them. Have a look at what they had …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/05/13/open-letter-to-irwin-oostinde-about-homophobia-charitable-status-mental-health-stigmatization/

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