Tag: George Soros

Robocall “Scandal”: An Insider’s View Of The Left’s Embarrassing Fraud (Feat. LeadNow.ca)

UPDATE: I’ve made some changes to the chart, adding the TIDES Foundation and their New Age plastic shaman centre Hollyhock. I also added the Ottawa event, where Brigette DePape spoke. The results were quite telling… _____________________________ When I first read about the Robocall scandal in February, 2012, the allegations shocked me. If it was true that …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/04/26/robocall-scandal-an-insiders-view-of-the-lefts-embarrassing-fraud-feat-leadnow/

Maidan In Canada Part I: NGOs, Ukrainian Revolutionaries, Bulletproof Vests & Ontario’s Top Politicians

Introduction: When Ukraine’s Orange Revolution flared up in 2004, it was quickly alleged that many local grassroots organizers were supported by US backed civil society organizations. Groups including the US State Department’s USAid and George Soros’ Open Society Institute helped provide money and expertise to local activists for “democracy building” activities to local NGOs. A new …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/03/11/maidan-in-canada-part-i-ngos-ukrainian-revolutionaries-bulletproof-vests-queens-park-politicians/

[Updated] The Occupy And G20 Anarchists Behind The Scene At The Enbridge Pipeline Hijacking…

UPDATE: The Media Co-Op has removed Trish Mills’ story from their website. A cached version is available here. A group of people have occupied a pipeline pumping station today. Enbridge has put in an application to reverse the flow of “Line 9” from the current east-to-west, to carry oil from west-to-east. The protesters are concerned …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/06/20/the-occupy-toronto-anarchists-behind-the-scene-at-the-enbridge-pumping-station-occupation/

May Day Mayhem Part I: How Militant Anarchist Socialists Threaten Our Freedoms… (feat. Toronto, Vancouver & Montreal)

Anyone who saw the news about Wednesday night’s incident in Seattle is now aware it was May Day. The violence that occured reminds us that May Day originated out of a terrorist incident. It was 1886 when a group of unionists and police clashed in Chicago’s Haymarket square and someone threw a bomb into the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/05/03/may-day-mayhem-part-i-how-militant-anarchists-are-threatening-our-freedom-feat-toronto-vancouver-montreal/

Professor David McNally On Marxisms (feat. Zach Ruiter & The Occupy Hijackers…)

http://youtu.be/KrevZTxJLV8 In my very long article on the ruckus at the University of Toronto, I mentioned a professor from York University professor David McNally. In the article I called for him, and others, to take leadership in helping fix Toronto’s problem with group political bullying. Well, less than 24 hours later- anti-nuclear anarchist Zach Ruiter …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/12/16/professor-david-mcnally-on-marxisms-feat-zach-ruiter-the-occupy-hijackers/

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