Jon speaking at the Voter Suppression Rally in Toronto!


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Harsha Walia, Vancouver’s Most Prominent Racist, Plans March Against Racism!

Say Whay Harsha?

Sometimes the most bizarre things happen. In this case, Harsha Walia, one of Vancouver’s most prominent racists, is promoting an anti-racism march! Say what?

Have a look at Harsha’s video where she uses a man’s race and gender to crush his position against using violence at activist movements! Tell us what you think!

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A Discussion on the Influence of George Soros & The TIDES Foundation

Picture I took of the entrance of Hollyhock during my stay there in January

I got into a heated debate with an ally of Dave Vasey and Taylor Flook today on the “Occupy Is An Inside Job” page on Facebook. It began with the usual slander and hate- I’ll leave that part out right now as it has been resolved, and I’m sure you don’t need to see any more of that right now…

But, I will share the discussion we had on how Canadian movements are funded by George Soros and the TIDES Foundation. It really says more than I could by simply writing an article. Enjoy! Continue reading

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I Just Couldn’t Resist the Temptation…

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A Letter to the People Who Led The Lynch Mob Against Me

Caution, it may be dangerous to speak out here!

Below is a copy of an email I sent this morning to: Dave Vasey, Taylor Flook &  Rob Chamberland:

What happened on Wednesday was a disgrace to our movement. The three of you were key in orchestrating this, and I expect you to take responsibly for your actions and set things straight before this all goes too far. If you do that, I will forgive you…

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