What’s Going Wrong With The Student Fee Protests?

Anarchists or concerned students?

It was another beautiful day for a demonstration- the sun was shining and was mercifully accompanied by a cool soothing breeze. Spirits were high when I arrived on the scene. There was a small contingent of police- less than usual, I’m guessing this was related to Prince Charles’ visit…

The first thing I noticed when I arrived was how at least 50% of the crowd weren’t students! The majority were a mix of Occupiers, and radical anarchists (some of my best fans!) It quickly became obvious to me the march was much less about student fees than it was self-promotion of Toronto’s more radicalized communities.

The crowd listening to speakers prior to the march...

The gathering began with a set of speeches on the grounds of the University of Toronto’s Hart House. The event was emcee’d by Trey Whinney, one of Occupy Toronto’s more radical marshals. Speakers included Sayed Hussan of No One Is Illegal, Farshad Azadian of the York Federation of Students, a leader of the Hotel Worker’s union talking about UofT’s food service workers, and a representative from the radical Marxist Canadian Federation of Students.

There was a good primer about the event yesterday when Faeshad Azadian was interviewed on Sun News. Have a look, it sets the stage well for the rest of the story:

Sun News is most definitely Canada’s leader in exposing the loony left- I must say, they do this most gracefully. I watched this video shortly before I went to the march, and was amazed by how succinctly they prepared me for what I’d experience today.

As I explained to David Menzies at Sun a couple of weeks ago, Occupy Toronto is made of three groups- the Communist/Marxist/Trotskyists (Socialist Intelligentsia), the anarchists (anarcho-primitivists), and the rest of us. The student fees movement is no different- this isn’t a just coincidence, both have been hijacked by the first two groups.

Once the Socialist Intelligentsia were finished pontificating, it was time for the march to begin. This is where the anarchists kicked into high gear- it didn’t take them more than two minutes to begin discrediting the students. Have a look at this must-see video- pictures tell much more than words in this circumstance:


In case you missed the words they were speaking at the start of the video, let me transcribe the first 30 seconds:

No more police in our community.
Fuck the pigs!
Revolution has come,
Off the pigs!
Time to pick-up a gun,
Fuck the pigs!
No more brothers in jail,
Off the pigs! 

The crowd then moves onto calling for “people’s war”, and continues recanting Maoist philosophy that revolution can only come at the barrel of a gun. They then jump to a grand finale about fucking the state. (does this mean that they have a Harper fetish? lol)

Dear readers, are you scared yet?

Well, if you are a student you should be. Not necessarily because these primates actually have a chance at winning (or, I certainly hope not). But, because if the student movement actually gets any traction in Ontario (today’s showing of 125 people, is far from it) then you are at risk of scenes like this one- coming to an university near you:


This invasion of the University du Quebec a Montreal is one of the most shameful events of the student strikes. Not only was it unfair to the students who were trying to get an education, and idiotic to spray paint the walls- but two women were physically assaulted!

What amazed me about this incident was how we’ve not heard a single person on the far-left speak out about how these women were assaulted.  What happened to all of the concern about safe spaces and anti-oppression? Oh yeah, I forgot- these tools are only to be used when they have political value in attacking your opponents!

Black Bloc marching with communist flags...

The proposed raises in tuition are to be phased in over three years. So, most of the students who are demonstrating against them (and all of the non-students) won’t really be effected by them. So, why are they putting their educations at-risk to protest the raises? When was the last time you heard about masses of millennials giving a damn about making change that doesn’t directly affect them?

Basically, like much of the Canadian Occupy movement, student movements have been hijacked by the unions and the far-left. If you have any doubt, look at the list if signatories in this letter from Student Union members supporting the movement– there are more reds in this list than the Fourth International!

Anarchists carrying a Mao Zedong banner...

If you still have any doubt, here’s a story about how the unions have contributed over $40,000 to fund this movement. As I’ve written about the Occupy movement- the Marxist/Trotskyist leaders of the unions are using the student fee movement as a tool to breed unrest amongst the people in hopes of igniting a Canadian Marxist revolution.

This cannot be allowed to happen- it is not the future that most Canadians aspire to…

Yes, there are many students who are serious about protecting the future of our educational system. And, I tip my hats to these brave people who have learned to overcome their generation’s apathy. That said, if they want us to treat them with respect, they must earn it by standing-up against the thugs, unionists and others who are perverting their movement.

Not a single student did this today, they seemed to not care that anarchists were chanting about using guns on the police. This must change if they expect the Canadian people to get behind them…

Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/05/22/whats-going-wrong-with-the-student-fee-protests/


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    • beth on May 23, 2012 at 03:55
    • Reply

    who are these people?

    1. Which people?

  1. Reblogged this on NonviolentConflict.

    • Olive Dove on May 23, 2012 at 17:31
    • Reply

    Why has the Mao Zedong banner been photoshopped? Zoom in on the upper left corner? What was there before you altered that? Just curious

    1. Nothing has been photoshopped, the picture was posted directly from my phone to the article. If you have any doubts, watch the video, it’s in there too.

  2. Olive Dove, i was there as well and can with absolute certainty verify that this banner was there .

    1. Perhaps the confusion is because the picture is from the back of the banner? The text you can see has bled through from the front…

    • Olive Dove on May 23, 2012 at 20:58
    • Reply

    I do not doubt that the flag was there, I just wondered why when I zoomed in to try to read the flag, the pixels in the upper left corner of it are blurred/blended like in photoshop. I could not see any other spots like this in the image.

    1. Not sure what it could be- probably the compression algorithm on my phone. Anyhow, thanks for pointing it out…

    • Colin T. on May 26, 2012 at 13:40
    • Reply

    Someone might have mentioned to Jerry Agar that education is in fact a Right. Here’s article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which, by the way, was partially drafted by a Canadian – John P. Humphrey.

    Article 26.

    (1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
    (2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
    (3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

  3. “and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.” I am sorry but this is where I disagree. The United Nations is a wolf in sheeps clothing, they dawn their mask of human rights and promote future atrocities to humanity.

  1. […] What’s Going Wrong With The Student Fee Protests? (genuinewitty.com) […]

  2. […] is a video from San Francisco, but notice how the chants being used are the same as here in Toronto? This is the sort of violence that Ashleigh Ingle, teacher to Toronto’s 1% & CUPE […]

  3. […] What’s Going Wrong With The Student Fee Protests?(genuinewitty.com) […]

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