An Open Letter To The CEO Of Toronto Hydro

Anthony Haines, CEO of Toronto Hydro..


Dear Mr Haines,

I was walking home today when I saw a couple of highly disturbing billboards in front of my local supermarket. Some people may see them as witty- that said, many people will not…

According to the Mental Health Commission of Canada, stigmatization is a major barrier preventing people from getting the help they need. So, despite the fact these ads seem harmless, they most certainly aren’t. They perpetuate the negative connotations of mental health issues, and trivialize what to some people is a very serious matter.

Perhaps I’d be less sensitive to these ads if your organization was car dealer, or a furniture warehouse. But, Toronto Hydro is a public utility that is directly owned by the city and the people of Toronto. The province of Ontario spends a lot of time, money and effort working to combat mental health stigmatization, so it seems reckless and irresponsible for Toronto Hydro to be perpetuating it.

I’d like to suggest that you take immediate action to have these billboards removed, and that you publish a public apology to the people of our city. It may also help that your organization engages a sensitivity training programme for the people who were involved in approving this campaign. An accident like this should never happen again.

-Greg Renouf

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  1. Might I suggest the next ad be honest. “Enjoy your double the charge power bills, compulsory smart-meters and the total death of your future privacy in life”.

    1. I believe our power rates ‘only’ went up by 20% this year. lol

      1. oh is that all? LOL! these thugs are making it apparent their only interest is in choking the masses off and sending them back into third world conditions.

    • beth on May 23, 2012 at 03:52
    • Reply

    Its so strange to see what causes you take to heart. Its an honest reflection of your soul. Thank you.

    1. There are people close to me who are living with mental illnesses. I’ve watched them successfully work past the stigmatisation- it can be a tough battle for some. So, this is probably my motivation for this one.

      Thanks for your support…


    • Janice on May 24, 2012 at 15:06
    • Reply

    I’d fire your Market research company and remove the ads! ASAP!!

    1. Indeed! Or, at least require the people at TH who were involved in this get some sensitivity training!

    • Lawrence on May 24, 2012 at 15:09
    • Reply

    What’s really crazy is Toronto Hydro advertising at all? It’s not like we have a choice to use another hydro company now do we? Our rates are sky high so the hydro company can give our money to their globalist friends in the advertising firms !!! Is this why my hydro bill went up to pay for garbage like this??? I’m offended not only by the nature of the ad but the fact that it is at all. STOP THE AD’s AND LOWER OUR BILLS. and quit making fun of the mentally ill.

  2. Toronto Hydro is a corporate entity who has no respect for humanity. It is quite obvious from these ads. This entity is a monopoly who conspires (willingly or unwillingly) to stealing our energy. The bottom line is their only concern. A basic necessity, such as heat, light and power has been hijacked by this monopoly who will shut off your power in the middle of the winter. You may be a retired person living on a small fixed income who can no longer keep up with the increases imposed on them but that does not matter. This entity believes profits are more important that humanity. This entity will not be around for long, as there are many other options that have been hidden from the public. Anyone reading this should look into Tesla (renewable energy has been around since the beginning of the light bulb) … Toronto Hydro should treat people with more respect. Because a lot of people are waking up. We are no longer in the dark.

  1. […] got a response about yesterday’s article on mental health stigmatisation from Toronto Hydro this morning. I must say, whoever wrote this has very little respect for our […]

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