UPDATED: Occupy & Student Strikes- They’re Not What They Looked Like on The Surface…

Toronto Casseroles March At George Brown College

Yesterday some interesting (though not totally unexpected) news came out on Undercover Kitty’s blog. While attending a debriefing with the leaders from the Quebec student strike, Kitty learned the at the strikes were not as spontaneous as we’ve been led to believe. According to the testimonies of the speakers, the student strikes were two years in the making.

They also discussed using the Occupy movement’s “General Assembly” process two years before Occupy came along. Things that make you go hmmm…

The Casseroles marches weren’t only about student fees. They were a menage of organizations with different social and political issues marching, wearing red felt patches and bashing pots & pans together. The picture I posted at the start of this article is a perfect example.

There’s a leader from the Canadian Federation of Students, a man who claims to have been in the Weather Underground, a radical Anglican priest, a group of rowdy anarchists and several members of the Toronto Police Service. The priest is standing between an anarcho-Communist flag and a banner declaring the need to “Nationalize Auto, Steel and Banks”.There’s also a sign about college professors and a Quebec flag. Many causes were covered- it was mostly a mosaic of the old-left.

Banging pots and pans had a rhythmic and quasi-hypnotic effect on the crowd. Everyone has lots of fun, and people who hardly understand the issues they were marching for joined in regardless. The pots and pans had a Pied Piper effect.

Undercover Kitty reports that the leaders of the Quebec movement  movement are now focussing on taking Prime Minister Stephen Harper out of office. This is the same rallying cry at the march on Ottawa last month where Sid Ryan hijacked the stage and used it for shameless self-promotion. Judy Rebick’s done the same with her book on Occupy, and how she’s reportedly mucking around with the brandname “Occupy Education”.

The old-left’s elders are milking Occupy’s corpse in an orgy of self-promotion. In their greed, they’ve decided they would tolerate and/or promote the use of violence. Then they took it further and gave support to those who advocate violence.

Judy Rebick with Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois (left) and Cloé Zawadzki-Turcotte (right)

Sid Ryan shared the stage with anarchist Sakura Saunder’s husband. Judy Rebick put significant effort into supporting pro-violence anarchist leaders like Alex Hundert (who is currently incarcerated) and Harsha Walia. David Eby refused to help address this violence in a situation where a police officer was eventually hit in the face with a flagpole. Barry Weisleder promoted a con artist who has hurt indigenous communities (Winnie Ng and Judy Rebick did too).

None of them have apologized or made amends for their mistakes…

Though there were a lot of genuine participants- Occupy and the Quebec student strikes are not what they looked like on the surface. They were posed as spontaneous uprisings, but they were actually well-planned events led by the unions and the established old-left. Their ‘respected’ elders used these platforms to push tired-out policies of the old-left, and to promote their political causes.

In the future, when people decided to join a ‘popular’ movement, it is important to understand who is behind them, and what is their ultimate purpose. If activists continue to work as the useful idiots of the old left, it will be a long time until real change occurs…

Permanent link to this article: https://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/10/05/occupy-student-strikes-theyre-not-what-they-looked-like-on-the-surface/


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  1. Thank you for mentioning my blog in your article. i know i am doing something right when I get a mention in your blog :-)

    What really saddens me about all this is that these students, the vast majority of them in fact, are being made the pawns of a few self serving and ill willed persons and groups and using issues that do resonate with students as the cover to hide their true intentions. I am a student and I can assure you that these self serving and single minded groups and people are not speaking for me , nor do they speak for the vast majority of students.

    • James on October 5, 2012 at 22:56
    • Reply

    Dearest Greg.
    I know that you are in another jurisdiction and that you have had you hands, and mind, busy fighting other battles, but as someone who been living through the stupidity for the last two years, you have finally managed to hit on something that is incredibly frustrating for the general public in Montreal: most of which you have written regarding the student strikes is neither new or profound. Like I said, I recognise that you are gathering info from a distance, but most of us here are quite aware of the machinations of many of the actions that have been occurring in Montreal and the province of Quebec and have actually been saying many of these things for quite a while, if any of the new guard of the revolutionaries would actually stop their banging and busting windows and listen.

    As someone who has been writing a more truthful account of occupy, I am sure you can relate to the frustration of trying to give the whole picture to people who just refuse to even look much less see it.

    I am sorry if this sounds critical of you, it is not meant to be, as I am a frequent follower. But when I first read this, my first reaction was “Well, Duhhh!!!”

    • The Hammer on October 6, 2012 at 13:30
    • Reply

    Trying to get Stephen Harper out of office eh? University tuition is a provincial issue. If Quebec wants to have “Free” post-secondary education Stephen Harper is not going to stand in their way.

    My favorite demand CLASSE has is that each university have a board made up of administrators, student leaders and public service union members to decide how all university money is spent. The union leaders are supposedly there to be on the side of the students to make sure money is spent in the best interest of education and the students. It does not take a forensic investigator to see the unions are setting up the long con on this one.

  2. Lefty people are almost always butt fucking ugly

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