Kevin Annett: The Bush Turkey Keeps Jiving On…

Kevin Annett – Bush Turkey…


Someone sent me an article about bush turkeys this morning- I couldn’t think of a better analogy for Kevin Annett if I had to. Bush turkeys are found in Australia, and are common pests found near suburban gardens. The male bush turkey’s job is to build a large mound consisting of garden compost, dirt and manure- as the mound decomposes, it gets warm enough to incubate eggs. And, according to the article, “If you’ve got a brush turkey building a mound in your backyard, it’s no use chasing it away or removing the mound. The bird will only doggedly return and start all over again. Their urge to nest is unstoppable.”

Does this sound familiar? If you have been following the Kevin Annett story is sure will. The more one exposes this man, and breaks-down his mound of shit, the harder he works to come back and rebuild it. And that is exactly what Kevin has been doing. I’ve exposed his fake ‘mass grave’ discovery, his fake court case, and the stories of dozens of people who have denounced his work- but, like a Timex, Annett just keeps on ticking. Or, should I say clucking…

Today Annett released one of his crazier messages to the world (which is quite an accomplishment!) where he continues his delusion that people who ask him for evidence of his claims are all government agents. Apparently, I work for CSIS now! Honestly Kevin, you sound like some kid in the playground who’s playing spy-vs-spy.

You’ll also notice that this message comes from the “Brussels office of the ITCCS”. That’s a laugh riot, especially when I have a recording of Kevin Annett himself admitting that this is not a registered organization. You are contradicting yourself Kevin, this sort of thing kills your credibility dude.

The last thing to mention about this letter ties-in to the article I wrote yesterday about how Annett has made it a habit to use and abuse members of the indigenous community that he claims to support. You’ll see how he continues to slander indigenous people like Jan Longboat. And, also, how he includes pictures of dead indigenous people including Bingo and Ricky Lavallee insinuating that they were killed by the government. I knew Ricky, he was on his last legs during Occupy Vancouver. Nobody except for Annett believes that he was murdered.

Kevin, give it up now, will you? Most sensible people have figured you out now. Sure, you have Alfred Webre on your side, but this is a man who thinks that Obama came from Mars! And, your partnership with the church of 666 doesn’t go very well to making your case either. You’re making a mockery of yourself Kevin, and hurting a lot of innocent people along the way.

Have you no shame sir? We can all see through your pile of steaming manure, time to find another garden…


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