Feminist Slacktivists Shut-Down Free Speech In Toronto (Feat. Stephanie Guthrie & ArtScape)


One of Toronto’s most entertaining political battles over the past few months has been between radical feminists and ‘men’s rights’ campaigners. Both sides are saddled with angry extremists, so their intolerance for each other has made for some spectacular viewing. The situation leaves many people wondering how far each side is willing to go to take down the other- does their conflict have the potential to get dangerous?

The most recent chapter in their conflict came at the end of May, shortly before the Canadian Association For Equality’s (CAFE) planned fundraising concert on June 1st. This obviously left the feminists displeased, they reacted as expected, pooling their efforts for a slacktivist hate-fest aimed at shutting down CAFE’s concert before it even got started. Their approach was to compare the men’s activists to the horrors of Elliott Rodger’s shooting spree in California. Ultimately the concert was shut-down after venue operators made the (dodgy) claim that it’s against their policy to host political events.

But who’s really dangerous here- the men’s rights activists, or the feminists?

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/06/11/feminist-slacktivists-shut-down-free-speech-in-toronto-feat-stephanie-guthrie-artscape/

Is ForestEthics Gravitating Towards The Militants Now? (Feat. Ben West, Gord Hill)

Wittingly or not, Ben West is a dangerous man...

Wittingly or not, Ben West is a dangerous man…

To steal a phrase used by TIDES Canada, our country’s environmental movements often bring together some strange bedfellows. The most striking of these relationships has to be the partnership with Green Party leader Elizabeth May and the Council of Canadians leader Maude Barlow- May is outspoken against violence (albeit in a strangely twisted manner), while Barlow and her organization are influential enablers.

Until recently, ForestEthics seemed rather benign. Radicals have harshly criticised them for being fronts for US business interests- some have spent a lot of time attacking FE leader Tzeporah Berman. But there have been recent indications that FE is getting closer to the radical elements. And, this week, their campaign director Ben West has stepped into some very dangerous territory.

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/06/07/eco-extremists-is-forestethics-gravitating-towards-the-militants-now-feat-ben-west-gord-hill/

[Updated] Vancouver Activist House Raided In Anti-Pipeline Vandalism Investigation (Feat. Gord Hill)

Classy, real classy...

Classy, real classy…

Update: Quell surprise, Ben West of ForestEthics has complained that the police were too heavy-handed…

Vancouver has been experiencing a Vandalism problem over the past few months. A person (or persons) have been prolifically spray painting “No Pipelines” on buildings across the east side of the city. The graffiti is in no way artistic; and in some cases has actually been painted over real art (see above). It’s the type of thing that leaves one wondering about the stupidity of some protesters, or if someone is intentionally trying to poison their cause.

New information came to light on the case this week when Vancouver Police executed a search warrant on an East Vancouver house on Parker Street. In an approach similar to last year’s raid on a London, Ontario anarchist house, the search warrant allowed police to confiscate the resident’s digital media. Five people were taken into custody, including on of the country’s most notorious militants.

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/06/05/vancouver-activist-house-raided-in-anti-pipeline-vandalism-investigation-feat-gord-hill/

What Didn’t The Media Tell Us About Desmond Tutu’s Visit? (Feat. 350.org & Eriel Deranger)

Chief Alan Adam & Desmond Tutu

ACFN Chief Allan Adam & Desmond Tutu

The one thing I admire most about Desmond Tutu is his rigorous advocacy of non-violence. As the creator of the concept of the Rainbow Nation, and chairman of South Africa’s Truth And Reconciliation Commission, Tutu’s work made a real difference to many people’s lives. More recently, Tutu spoke out against the African National Congress, saying “it doesn’t seem to me now that a freedom-fighting unit can ­easily make the transition to becoming a political party,” and describing South Africa as “the most unequal society in the world”.

This weekend Tutu travelled to Canada, a country whose residents enjoy a high standard of living, above-average economic equality, the freedom to say what we want, and a sense of security that South Africans could only dream about. Tutu’s message was both that he’s not here to tell Canadians what to do, but that the current trajectory of the oilsands is producing ‘filth’ and is evidence of our country’s ‘negligence and greed’. Many Canadians agree with this message- equally, many others feel that Tutu is misguided.

Tutu’s visit was covered by media outlets around the globe. But, as usual, most reporters completely missed the obvious- the influence of an American NGO…

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/06/02/what-didnt-the-media-tell-us-about-desmond-tutus-visit-feat-350-org-eriel-deranger/

Burnaby Chevron Protesters, Threats Of Violence, And The Perversion Of Mahatma Gandhi

Who paid for the sign?

Hey, doesn’t that sign look familiar?

Activists interrupted a Burnaby, BC fuel truck refilling station yesterday, protesting Chevron’s involvement in the Pacific Trails Pipeline project, and showing ‘solidarity’ to the (violent) Unist’ot’en Camp. Replicating Greenpeace’s similar stunt in October 2013, three of the protesters locked themselves to the front gate. Their message for Chevron was to ‘frack off’, a slogan as stale as their tactics. But of  course, the media ate it all up!

Talking to the media, the group and their representatives stressed that they’re just “ordinary citizens” who’ve decided that enough is enough! But, are they just ordinary folk or is there more to the story that the media didn’t tell us? I’m sure you’ve guessed the answer already, there’s much more to be told- including how one arrestee was recently filmed advocating for violence (and how another tried to cover it up).

Let’s have a look at who got arrested…

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/05/31/burnaby-chevron-protesters-threats-of-violence-and-the-perversion-of-mahatma-gandhi/

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