Greg Renouf

Author's posts

Occupy myself…

Something enormous is happening inside of me, I can’t wait to share it with you all.But, first, I have to very special girls to take care of.  Spent my night building dioramas to remind them both how much they mean to me.Love you all…

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Is The Pope Catholic?

Globe & Mail:  “Vancouver fire officials say Occupy site isn’t safe”Vancouver Sun: “We are co-operating,’ Occupy protesters say – and fire chief agrees” CBC: “Occupy Vancouver complies with fire chief’s demands” ___________________________________________________________ Dear MSM,Are you F#$%ING kidding me?Of course, camping is a risky business for the  unprepared.  We all understand that. This is what motivated us to …

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Why Does Media Coop Keep Releasing Agitation?

Why does the Media Coop keep publishing videos that allude to police violence or violence towards the police? Is this sort of subversion not illegal? What is their connection to Harsha Walia? And what is the connection with W2?

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Say What?

Folks, I’m scared.I’ve unwittingly stumbled onto something about Occupy Vancouver that may just be the most important story about this movement yet.  If you read my article Titled Yellow Card you’ll know the story. Harsha Walia is the person who injected the term “Uunceded coast salish territory” into our statement of unity- possibly the most divisive …

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A Media Tip From the CBC

I ran over to the VAG on Monday afternoon, ran to the bus about 5 minutes after I saw the video from Sunday night’s kerfuffle over a certain ‘sacred’ fire- more about that on my next post…Ian Hanomansing was there interviewing people for the CBC’s evening news show ‘The National’. He spent some time talking …

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