Tag: International Socialists

Kevin Annett Bedazzles South Dakota Hicks! (Feat. Eugene Richard Hidalgo & The Antichrist!)

Twenty-five months have passed since Your Humble Narrator began debunking Kevin Annett’s con-artistry- and, albeit slowly, the truth about his misdeeds has spread to all corners of the globe (well, over 125 countries so far). There was a time, at the height of his fraud, when Annett lived a high-flying lifestyle: Dublin, London, Amsterdam, Rome. …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2014/04/08/kevin-annett-bedazzles-south-dakota-hicks-feat-eugene-richard-hidalgo-the-antichrist/

[Updated] Kevin Annett, The Pope, The Media Co-Op, Anonymous, The CAW, Lies And Appropriation of Indigenous Voices…

Kevin Annett was one of the worst disasters to hit Canada’s indigenous communities in the past 20 years. He’s a former United Church minister who was defrocked after losing his cool and refusing to meet with a church psychiatrist. Once he left the church he began his long-con- appropriating the voices of Indian Residential School …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2013/02/13/kevin-annett-the-media-co-op-anonymous-the-caw-lies-and-appropriation-of-indigenous-voices-feat-rabble/

UofT Hate Party: The Socialist Party Of Ontario Waffles On Free Speech Rights (feat. Michael Laxer)

In April that I wrote a story about a radical fringe group of Canada’s New Democratic Party called the Waffle. They were an obedience cult who enforced their members to keep the party line through a deeply invasive and humiliating set of tactics including whispering campaigns and group bullying. The Waffle were so entirely off-the-wall that it …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/12/19/uoft-hate-party-the-socialist-party-of-ontario-waffles-on-free-speech-rights-feat-michael-laxer/

Kevin Annett And His Marxist Roots…

Many years ago, back near the days of the Waffle, Kevin Annett joined a small, but exclusive, circle of Marxists called the International Socialists.  Officially, Kevin has left this group and is no longer a socialist- that said, he has more connections to this group of Trotskyists than Trotsky would if he were still alive …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/07/11/kevin-annett-and-his-socialist-roots/

Masquerade “Solidarity” March: I Was Assaulted By Black Bloc Thugs! (feat. Maggie Helwig!)

Tonight Toronto had a new variation of the Casseroles marches- the Masquerade Solidarity march- organized by the “Ontario Student’s Mobilization Coalition”. It sounds like something new- right? Well, not quite- it was basically another event organized by the usual suspects…

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.genuinewitty.com/2012/06/23/masquerade-solidarity-march-i-was-assaulted-by-black-bloc-thugs-feat-maggie-helwig/

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