McCain’s Downtown Tent of Fraud!

I’m leaving Occupy Vancouver on my way to catch a bus home.  Suddenly I’m accosted by cute suburban girls promoting a ‘talent competition’ for the next McCain’s pizza ad!

This event was fraud qubed. First, when you get inside, it was more focused on pizza marketing than talent. All the staff were as joyous as a pep rally at Disney World!  They were so darned happy to be there, and so astoundingly enthusiastic about how wonderful it was to promote McCain’s pizza!

Fraud count: 2

Then, while waiting for their fantabulous pizza, I noticed fraud #3. They were using a professional pizza oven to cook the frozen pizza! No wonder their pizza was so darn tootin’ good!

So, I called out the large man who was running the show. I told him I plan to share this fraud with you, my fair audience. He responded saying “you don’t need a pizza oven to make it!” My response – “sure does taste better that way! “

If you could see the look on his face when I told him I got pictures….

Corporatism sucks!

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